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    • 22000

Bachelor of Arts (BA) is a 3-year course designed for people who want to develop their career in the field of arts.

    • 32000

Bachelor of Business Administrator (BBA) course is the gateway to numerous job opportunities in a plethora of sectors like Marketing, Education, Finance, Sales, and Government to name just a few.

    • 22000

Bachelor of Commerce (BCOM) is a 3-year under-graduate course designed for the people who wants to go ahead in the field of commerce.

    • 35000

Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA) is an undergraduate degree course in computer applications.

    • 35000

Bachelor of Science (Biology) is a 3-year under-graduate degree course designed for the people who are from the field of science.

    • 35000

Bachelor in Science (Yoga & Health) is a 3-year under-graduate degree course designed for the aspirants who want to move into the field of yoga.

    • 35000

Bachelor in Science (Maths) is a 3-year under-graduate degree course designed for the aspirants who want to move into the field of Maths.

    • 35000

Bachelor of Science (Physics) is a 3-year under-graduate degree course designed for the people who are from the field of science.

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