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Big Data

    • 22000
    • 25000

Cloudera Hadoop Administration Online Training by BIT will help you master Hadoop Admin activities like planning, installation, monitoring, configuration and performance tuning of large and complex Hadoop clusters.

    • 22000
    • 25000

Hadoop Administration Professional Online Training Program is a comprehensive Hadoop Big Data training course designed by industry experts considering current industry job requirements to help you learn Hadoop Administration.

    • 35000
    • 40000

Big Data Hadoop Professional Online Training Program is curated by Hadoop experts, and it covers in-depth knowledge on Big Data and Hadoop Ecosystem tools such as HDFS, YARN, MapReduce, Hive, and Pig.

    • 30000
    • 35000

Become an expert in Hadoop by getting hands-on knowledge on MapReduce, Hadoop Architecture, Pig & Hive, Oozie, Flume and Apache workflow scheduler. Build familiarity with HBase, Zookeeper, and Sqoop concepts while working on industry-based use-cases...

    • 35000
    • 45000

Big Data Hadoop Analyst online training course helps you master Big Data Analysis using Hadoop, Pig and Hive. This course will enable an Analyst to work on Big Data and Hadoop which takes into consideration the burgeoning demands of the industry to p...

    • 40000
    • 45000

Hadoop Data Analytics online training course explains how to apply data analytics and business intelligence skills to Big Data.

    • 135000
    • 150000

BIT's extensive Big Data Hadoop Architect online training is curated by Hadoop experts, and it covers in-depth knowledge on Big Data and Hadoop Ecosystem tools such as Spark, Scala, Splunk, Storm, Kafka and Cassandra.

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