- Introduction to Swift
- Introduction to XCode IDE
- Structure of Swift program
- Compiling and building a Hello world
- Swift Playground
- Basic Syntax
- Variables and data types
- Structs and Classes
Our iOS training course lets you master the Apple OS. In this course you will learn the tools, techniques and concepts needed to build a basic iOS app, from scratch. You will be introduced to the Swift programming language and learn how to utilize the Apple developer tools to build an app.
BIT's iOS App Development Certification Training helps you to become an Expert in iOS App development by mastering concepts like Swift, Core Data, Networking & iCloud development while working on industry-based use-cases and projects. The iOS App Development using Swift training course will introduce the participants to the exciting world of iOS application development. Swift is a brand new programming language for iOS and OS X apps which adopts safe programming patterns and adds modern features to make programming easier, more flexible, and more fun. This course will enable participants to design and develop applications for iPhones & iPads.
Taking a development course allows programmers to launch careers in mobile app development. It's an in-demand skill across fields, and employers will be looking for people who can create apps for iOS devices. This is the best-organized course for learning Swift. The course is excellent for learning Swift programming including vital information using Xcode, Github, Cocoapods, Stack Overflow, Alamofire, Firebase, REST APIs and all the services commonly used by app developers. You will learn all the ways of using Xcode and other services. Building an iOS application is a great career move or something you can add as part of a career package. Whether you're interested in development as a hobby or as a career.
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