iOS App Development Certification Training

Our iOS training course lets you master the Apple OS. In this course you will learn the tools, techniques and concepts needed to build a basic iOS app, from scratch. You will be introduced to the Swift programming language and learn how to utilize the Apple developer tools to build an app.

  • 30000
  • 40000
  • Course Includes
  • Live Class Practical Oriented Training
  • 40 + Hrs Instructor LED Training
  • 40+ Hrs Practical Exercise
  • 20+ Hrs Project Work & Assignment
  • Timely Doubt Resolution
  • Dedicated Student Success Mentor
  • Certification & Job Assistance
  • Free Access to Workshop & Webinar
  • No Cost EMI Option

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What you will learn

  • Understand and use the Swift programming language
  • Use and explain the Apple developer tools: including Xcode, Interface Builder, Documentation Browser
  • Leverage Swift's new language features like optionals and closures
  • Create Extensions to extend Swift's Out Of Box functionality. Create Generics to increase our code’s flexibility and pow...
  • Design, develop and build your own simple iOS Apps.
  • Work on a real life Project, implementing all the features learnt during the class to derive Business Insights


  • The pre-requisite for this course is basic knowledge of Object Orientated Programming Language. Knowledge of Objective C, Java, JavaScript will add more value.


BIT's iOS App Development Certification Training helps you to become an Expert in iOS App development by mastering concepts like Swift, Core Data, Networking & iCloud development while working on industry-based use-cases and projects. The iOS App Development using Swift training course will introduce the participants to the exciting world of iOS application development. Swift is a brand new programming language for iOS and OS X apps which adopts safe programming patterns and adds modern features to make programming easier, more flexible, and more fun. This course will enable participants to design and develop applications for iPhones & iPads.

Taking a development course allows programmers to launch careers in mobile app development. It's an in-demand skill across fields, and employers will be looking for people who can create apps for iOS devices. This is the best-organized course for learning Swift. The course is excellent for learning Swift programming including vital information using Xcode, Github, Cocoapods, Stack Overflow, Alamofire, Firebase, REST APIs and all the services commonly used by app developers. You will learn all the ways of using Xcode and other services. Building an iOS application is a great career move or something you can add as part of a career package. Whether you're interested in development as a hobby or as a career.



Course Content

  • Introduction to Swift
  • Introduction to XCode IDE
  • Structure of Swift program
  • Compiling and building a Hello world
  • Swift Playground
  • Basic Syntax
  • Variables and data types
  • Structs and Classes
  • Working with collections
  • Protocols and Extensions
  • Generics
  • Tuple
  • Functions
  • Subscripts
  • Closures
  • Automatic Reference Counting
  • Installing XCode and iOS SDK
  • Understanding XCode
  • Creating a simple iOS app
  • Project templates
  • Introduction to pillars of iOS app development-Tools-XCode
  • iOS Simulator
  • Instruments
  • Language- Swift
  • Design patterns
  • Frameworks
  • Design-CorrectUI
  • AppleHIG
  • Testing
  • Provisioning
  • Signing
  • Submitting
  • Using iOS Simulator
  • MVC pattern in iOS app development
  • Lifecycle of iOS Application
  • Understanding Delegation
  • iOS View Controllers
  • Creating UI
  • Introduction to Layout and Views
  • Designing responsive interfaces with Auto layout
  • Create a sample UI
  • Walkthrough of controllers
  • Debugging iOS application
  • Introduction to Table View
  • Creating a basic table view and data source
  • Loading data into TableView
  • Reusing table view cells
  • Customizing table views
  • UI CollectionView
  • UI RefreshControl
  • Introduction to multiple-view applications
  • Using navigation controller
  • Introduction to a master-detail application
  • Creating a tab-bar-driven application
  • UI PageViewController
  • UISplitViewController
  • Master-detail application
  • Using Size Classes for Adaptive Layout
  • Using Camera & Gallery to Capture Images
  • Animations- Core Animation
  • UIKit Dynamics
  • Facebook Pop Animation
  • Working with Maps- MKMapItem and MKPlacemark
  • CLLocationManager
  • MKMapView
  • UIActivityViewController to perform Social Sharing
  • Networking with Alamofire
  • SwiftyJSON & HanekeSwift
  • Introduction to networking in iOS application
  • Adding/Managing frameworks using Carthage
  • JSON Handling using SwiftJSON
  • Performing Networking using Alamofire
  • Downloading & Caching images using HanekeSwift
  • iOS data persistence
  • Using NS User Defaults to store and read information
  • Property Lists-Working with Core data
  • Introduction to Core Data
  • Creating models with entities
  • Saving models
  • Fetching model
  • Edit and remove models
  • Sample application implementing Core data
  • Implementing CloudKit Storage
  • Interact with Parse backend
  • Localizing Application
  • Submitting an App to Apple App Store


Offline Training @ Vadodara

  • Classroom Based Training
  • Practical Based Training
  • No Cost EMI Option
45000 35000

Online Training preferred

  • Live Virtual Classroom Training
  • 1:1 Doubt Resolution Sessions
  • Recorded Live Lectures*
  • Flexible Schedule
40000 30000

Corporate Training

  • Customized Learning
  • Onsite Based Corporate Training
  • Online Corporate Training
  • Certified Corporate Training


• Upon the completion of the Classroom Training, The BIT Certification is awarded upon successfully completing the Offline Exam after reviewed by experts • Upon the completion of the Online Training, The BIT Certification is awarded upon successfully completing the Online Exam after reviewed by experts.