Artificial Intelligence Master's Program

Artificial Intelligence Master's online training will prepare you for Python Programming, Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence. The combination of coursework and hands-on learning helps you build a foundation of building AI frameworks.

  • 80000
  • 90000
  • Course Includes
  • Live Class Practical Oriented Training
  • 120 + Hrs Instructor LED Training
  • 60 + Hrs Practical Exercise
  • 45 + Hrs Project Work & Assignment
  • Timely Doubt Resolution
  • Dedicated Student Success Mentor
  • Certification & Job Assistance
  • Free Access to Workshop & Webinar
  • No Cost EMI Option

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What you will learn

  • Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and intelligent agents, history of Artificial Intelligence
  • Machine Learning algorithms
  • Gain important experiences into signs, pictures, and sounds with SciPy, scikit-picture, and OpenCV
  • Applications of AI (Natural Language Processing, Robotics/Vision)
  • Solving real AI problems through programming with Python
  • Deep Learning techniques and working with TensorFlow
  • Building of Artificial Neural Networks and Statistical Models
  • How Data science and Artificial Intelligence overlap
  • Importance of Python coding for data analytics
  • Efficient design of Machine Learning systems


  • There are no prerequisites for taking this Artificial Intelligence master’s course.


|| About Artificial Intelligence Master's Training Course

Artificial Intelligence Master’s Program online training course offers extensive learning in applying Machine Learning, AI and Deep Learning systems to both organized and unstructured information including content, pictures, sound and video information. After this course, you will have the option to choose, apply and send suitable Machine Learning, AI and Deep Learning calculations relying upon the kind of issues and information included. The course gives a generous instinct of the arithmetic behind every one of these calculations, just as business applications utilizing genuine contextual investigations. you will master various aspects of artificial neural networks, supervised and unsupervised learning, logistic regression with a neural network mindset, binary classification, vectorization, Python for scripting Machine Learning applications, and much more.

AI Master’s Program provides an in-depth knowledge of AI concepts and workflows, machine learning, deep learning, and performance metrics. You’ll learn the difference between supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning; be exposed to use cases, and see how clustering and classification algorithms help identify AI business applications. This is an Artificial Intelligence master’s course that is a comprehensive learning approach for mastering the domains of Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Business Analytics, Business Intelligence, Python coding and Deep Learning with TensorFlow. Upon the completion of the training, you will be able to take on challenging roles in the Artificial Intelligence domain.

Course Content

Lecture-1 Python Environment Setup and Essentials

·       Introduction to Python Language

·       Features, the advantages of Python over other programming languages

·       Python installation – Windows, Mac & Linux distribution for Anaconda Python

·       Deploying Python IDE

·       Basic Python commands, data types, variables, keywords and more

Lecture-2 Python language Basic Constructs

·       Built-in data types in Python

·       Learn classes, modules, Str(String), Ellipsis Object, Null Object, Ellipsis, Debug

·       Basic operators, comparison, arithmetic, slicing and slice operator, logical, bitwise

·       Loop and control statements while, for, if, break, else, continue.

Lecture-3 OOP concepts in Python

·       How to write OOP concepts program in Python

·       Connecting to a database

·       Classes and objects in Python

·       OOPs paradigm, important concepts in OOP like polymorphism, inheritance, encapsulation

·       Python functions, return types and parameters

·       Lambda expressions

Lecture-4 Database connection

·       Understanding the Database, need of database

·       Installing MySQL on windows

·       Understanding Database connection using Python.

Lecture-5 NumPy for mathematical computing

·       Introduction to arrays and matrices

·       Broadcasting of array math, indexing of array

·       Standard deviation, conditional probability, correlation and covariance.

Lecture-6 SciPy for scientific computing

·       Introduction to SciPy

·       Functions building on top of NumPy, cluster, linalg, signal, optimize, integrate, subpackages,

·       SciPy with Bayes Theorem.

Lecture-7 Matplotlib for data visualization

·       How to plot graph and chart with Python

·       Various aspects of line, scatter, bar, histogram, 3D, the API of MatPlotLib, subplots.

Lecture-8 Pandas for data analysis and machine learning

·       Introduction to Python dataframes

·       Importing data from JSON, CSV, Excel, SQL database, NumPy array to dataframe

·       Various data operations like selecting, filtering, sorting, viewing, joining, combining

Lecture-9 Exception Handling

·       Introduction to Exception Handling

·       Scenarios in Exception Handling with its execution

·       Arithmetic exception

·       RAISE of Exception

·       What is Random List, running a Random list on Jupyter Notebook

·       Value Error in Exception Handling

Lecture-10 Multi Threading & Race Condition

·       Introduction to Thread, need of threads

·       What are thread functions

·       Performing various operations on thread like joining a thread, starting a thread, enumeration in a thread

·       Creating a Multithread, finishing the multithreads

·       Understanding Race Condition, lock and Synchronization

Lecture-11 Packages and Functions

·       Intro to modules in Python, need of modules

·       How to import modules in python

·       Locating a module, namespace and scoping

·       Arithmetic operations on Modules using a function

·       Intro to Search path, Global and local functions, filter functions

·       Python Packages, import in packages, various ways of accessing the packages

·       Decorators, Pointer assignments, and Xldr

Lecture-12 Web scraping with Python

·       Introduction to web scraping in Python

·       Installing of beautifulsoup

·       Installing Python parser lxml

·       Various web scraping libraries, beautifulsoup, Scrapy Python packages

·       Creating soup object with input HTML

·       Searching of tree, full or partial parsing, output print

Lecture-13 Introduction to Machine Learning

·       Need of Machine Learning

·       Introduction to Machine Learning

·       Types of Machine Learning, such as supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning, Machine Learning with Python, and the applications of Machine Learning

Lecture-14 Supervised Learning and Linear Regression

·        Introduction to supervised learning and the types of supervised learning, such as regression and classification

·        Introduction to regression

·        Simple linear regression

·        Multiple linear regression and assumptions in linear regression

·        Math behind linear regression

Lecture-15 Classification and Logistic Regression

·        Introduction to classification

·        Linear regression vs logistic regression

·        Math behind logistic regression, detailed formulas, the logit function and odds, confusion matrix and accuracy, true positive rate, false positive rate, and threshold evaluation with ROCR

Lecture-16 Decision Tree and Random Forest

·        Introduction to tree-based classification

·        Understanding a decision tree, impurity function, entropy, and understanding the concept of information gain for the right split of node

·        Understanding the concepts of information gain, impurity function, Gini index, overfitting, pruning, pre-pruning, post-pruning, and cost-complexity pruning

·        Introduction to ensemble techniques, bagging, and random forests and finding out the right number of trees required in a random forest

Lecture-17 Naïve Bayes and Support Vector Machine

·        Introduction to probabilistic classifiers

·        Understanding Naïve Bayes and math behind the Bayes theorem

·        Understanding a support vector machine (SVM)

·        Kernel functions in SVM and math behind SVM

Lecture-18 Unsupervised Learning

·        Types of unsupervised learning, such as clustering and dimensionality reduction, and the types of clustering

·        Introduction to k-means clustering

·        Math behind k-means

·        Dimensionality reduction with PCA

Lecture-19 Natural Language Processing and Text Mining

·        Introduction to Natural Language Processing (NLP)

·        Introduction to text mining

·        Importance and applications of text mining

·        How NPL works with text mining

·        Writing and reading to word files

·        Language Toolkit (NLTK) environment

·        Text mining: Its cleaning, pre-processing, and text classification

Lecture-20 Time Series Analysis

·        What is time series? Its techniques and applications

·        Time series components

·        Moving average, smoothing techniques, and exponential smoothing

·        Univariate time series models

·        Multivariate time series analysis

·        ARIMA model and time series in Python

·        Sentiment analysis in Python (Twitter sentiment analysis) and text analysis

Lecture-21-22 Introduction to Deep Learning and Neural Networks

·       Field of machine learning, its impact on the field of artificial intelligence

·       The benefits of machine learning w.r.t. Traditional methodologies

·       Deep learning introduction and how it is different from all other machine learning methods

·       Classification and regression in supervised learning

·       Clustering and association in unsupervised learning, algorithms that are used in these categories

·       Introduction to ai and neural networks

·       Machine learning concepts

·       Supervised learning with neural networks

·       Fundamentals of statistics, hypothesis testing, probability distributions, and hidden markov models.

Lecture-23 Multi-layered Neural Networks

·       Multi-layer network introduction, regularization, deep neural networks

·       Multi-layer perceptron

·       Overfitting and capacity

·       Neural network hyperparameters, logic gates

·       Different activation functions used in neural networks, including relu, softmax, sigmoid and hyperbolic functions

·       Back propagation, forward propagation, convergence, hyperparameters, and overfitting.

Lecture-24 Artificial Neural Networks and Various Methods

·       Various methods that are used to train artificial neural networks

·       Perceptron learning rule, gradient descent rule, tuning the learning rate, regularization techniques, optimization techniques

·       Stochastic process, vanishing gradients, transfer learning, regression techniques,

·       Lasso l1 and ridge l2, unsupervised pre-training, xavier initialization.

Lecture-25 Deep Learning Libraries

·       Understanding how deep learning works

·       Activation functions, illustrating perceptron, perceptron training

·       multi-layer perceptron, key parameters of perceptron;

·       Tensorflow introduction and its open-source software library that is used to design, create and train

·       Deep learning models followed by google’s tensor processing unit (tpu) programmable ai

·       Python libraries in tensorflow, code basics, variables, constants, placeholders

·       Graph visualization, use-case implementation, keras, and more.

Lecture-26 Keras API

·       Keras high-level neural network for working on top of tensorflow

·       Defining complex multi-output models

·       Composing models using keras

·       Sequential and functional composition, batch normalization

·       Deploying keras with tensorboard, and neural network training process customization.

Lecture-27 TFLearn API for TensorFlow

·       Using tflearn api to implement neural networks

·       Defining and composing models, and deploying tensorboard

Lecture-28 Dnns (deep neural networks)

·       Mapping the human mind with deep neural networks (dnns)

·       Several building blocks of artificial neural networks (anns)

·       The architecture of dnn and its building blocks

·       Reinforcement learning in dnn concepts, various parameters, layers, and optimization algorithms in dnn, and activation functions.

Lecture-29 Cnns (convolutional neural networks)

·       What is a convolutional neural network?

·       Understanding the architecture and use-cases of cnn

·       ‘What is a pooling layer?’ how to visualize using cnn

·       How to fine-tune a convolutional neural network

·       What is transfer learning?

·       Understanding recurrent neural networks, kernel filter, feature maps, and pooling, and deploying convolutional neural networks in tensorflow.

Lecture-30 Rnns (recurrent neural networks)

·       Introduction to the rnn model

·       Use cases of rnn, modeling sequences

·       Rnns with back propagation

·       Long short-term memory (lstm)

·       Recursive neural tensor network theory, the basic rnn cell, unfolded rnn,  dynamic rnn

·       Time-series predictions.

Lecture-31 Gpu in deep learning

·       Gpu’s introduction, ‘how are they different from cpus?,’ the significance of gpus

·       Deep learning networks, forward pass and backward pass training techniques

·       Gpu constituent with simpler core and concurrent hardware.

Lecture-32 Autoencoders and restricted boltzmann machine (rbm)

·       Introduction rbm and autoencoders

·       Deploying rbm for deep neural networks, using rbm for collaborative filtering

·       Autoencoders features and applications of autoencoders.

Lecture-33 Deep learning applications

·       Image processing

·       Natural language processing (nlp) – Speech recognition, and video analytics.

Lecture-34 Chatbots

·        Automated conversation bots leveraging any of the following descriptive techniques:  Ibm watson, Microsoft’s luis, Open–closed domain bots,

·        Generative model, and the sequence to sequence model (lstm).

Lecture-35 Overview of Natural Language Processing and Text Mining

·       Introduction to Natural Language Processing (NLP)

·       Introduction to Text Mining

·       importance and applications of Text Mining

·       how NPL works with Text Mining, writing and reading to word files,

·       OS Module

·       Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) Environment

Lecture-36 Text Mining, Cleaning, and Pre-processing

·       Various Tokenizers

·       Tokenization

·       Frequency Distribution

·       Stemming

·       POS Tagging

·       Lemmatization

·       Bigrams

·       Trigrams & Ngrams

·       Lemmatization

·       Entity Recognition

Lecture-37 Text Classification

·       Overview of Machine Learning

·       Words

·       Term Frequency

·       Count Vectorizer

·       Inverse Document Frequency

·       Text conversion

·       Confusion Matrix

·       Naiive Bayes Classifier

Lecture-38 Sentence Structure, Sequence Tagging, Sequence Tasks, and Language Modeling

·       Language Modelling

·       Sequence Tagging

·       Sequence Tasks

·       Predicting Sequence of Tags

·       Syntax Trees

·       Context-Free Grammars

·       Chunking

·       Automatic Paraphrasing of Texts

·       Chinking

Lecture-39 Introduction to Semantics and Vector Space Models

·       Distributional Semantics

·       Traditional Models

·       Tools for sentence and word embeddings

·       An overview of Topic Models

Lecture-40 Dialog Systems

·       Introduction to task-oriented Dialog Systems

·       Natural Language Understanding

·        Dialog Manager

Lecture-41 RBM and DBNs & Variational AutoEncoder

·       Introduction rbm and autoencoders

·       Deploying rbm for deep neural networks, using rbm for collaborative filtering

·       Autoencoders features and applications of autoencoders.

Lecture-42 Object Detection using Convolutional Neural Net

·       Constructing a convolutional neural network using TensorFlow

·       Convolutional, dense, and pooling layers of CNNs

·       Filtering images based on user queries

Lecture-43 Generating images with Neural Style and Working with Deep Generative Models

·       Automated conversation bots leveraging

·       Generative model, and the sequence to sequence model (lstm).

Lecture-44 Distributed & Parallel Computing for Deep Learning Models

·       Parallel Training

·       Distributed vs Parallel Computing

·       Distributed computing in Tensorflow

·       Introduction to tf.distribute

·       Distributed training across multiple CPUs

·       Distributed Training

·       Distributed training across multiple GPUs

·       Federated Learning

·       Parallel computing in Tensorflow

Lecture-45 Reinforcement Learning

·       Mapping the human mind with deep neural networks (dnns)

·       Several building blocks of artificial neural networks (anns)

·       The architecture of dnn and its building blocks

·       Reinforcement learning in dnn concepts, various parameters, layers, and optimization algorithms in dnn, and activation functions.

Lecture-46 Deploying Deep Learning Models and Beyond

·       Understanding model Persistence

·       Saving and Serializing Models in Keras

·       Restoring and loading saved models

·       Introduction to Tensorflow Serving

·       Tensorflow Serving Rest

·       Deploying deep learning models with Docker & Kubernetes


Offline Training @ Vadodara

  • Classroom Based Training
  • Practical Based Training
  • No Cost EMI Option
100000 90000

Online Training preferred

  • Live Virtual Classroom Training
  • 1:1 Doubt Resolution Sessions
  • Recorded Live Lectures*
  • Flexible Schedule
90000 80000

Corporate Training

  • Customized Learning
  • Onsite Based Corporate Training
  • Online Corporate Training
  • Certified Corporate Training


  • Upon the completion of the Classroom training, you will have an Offline exam that will help you prepare for the Professional certification exam and score top marks. The BIT Certification is awarded upon successfully completing an offline exam after reviewed by experts
  • Upon the completion of the training, you will have an online exam that will help you prepare for the Professional certification exam and score top marks. BIT Certification is awarded upon successfully completing an online exam after reviewed by experts.
  • This course is designed to solve different Artificial Intelligence Case studies. This certificate is very well recognized over 80 top MNCs from around the world and some of the Fortune 500 companies.